Fashion Models, Apartment Models, Food and Cocktails. Did We Mention Models?
When our friends at Max Magazine and Brainchild Events approached us about hosting the 2018 Gent Fashion Show at Encore at Forest Park, we jumped at the opportunity. Who would pass up a shot at welcoming St. Louis fashion insiders and enthusiasts into our luxe lobby and apartments? Exactly. No one would pass up an opportunity like this!
The main event consisted of a runway show featuring curated collections from three prestigious local designers Shan Keith, Paulie Gibson , OSO: a style lab and international retailers Undercoat, Drink Beer Save Water, Vidl Denim, Religion Clothing UK.
As you can see from all the amazing photos taken by Max Magazine, the event did not disappoint. We had some incredible outfits (and models) grace the Encore at Forest Park lobby, which was decked out with a DJ booth, lights and more. There were models running around backstage (a.k.a. Encore’s state-of-the-art fitness center and multi-purpose room) getting ready for the big show. Are we in St. Louis or at NYC Fashion Week?
Appetizers were provided by The Dam and our lobby bar was packed with guests enjoying beverages made with Ezra Brooks bourbon. Attendees got a sneak peek of Encore’s luxury model apartments, which served as satellite bars with beverages from Urban Chestnut Brewery.
What’s next for Encore? Funny you should ask! We will be at the 2018 Great Taste at the St. Louis Science Center next week (March 14th, 6-10pm). The Encore at Forest Park Lounge at The Great Taste will serve as the ideal location for attendees to sit and relax, while enjoying food from St. Louis’ best restaurants. The Lounge will be decorated like an Encore apartment – sleek, chic and modern. Make sure you grab your tickets today.
There doesn’t need to be a fashion show for you to check out Encore at Forest Park. Schedule a tour online or call us at 314-833-6100. The Gent Fashion Show is just the beginning of all the exciting things we have lined up for Encore at Forest Park!